170223 PB.Plan
Recovery: Üben erlaubt, keine medium Belastung (alles bis 75%), nicht mehr als 50 reps von einer Übung powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
170222 PB.Plan
Recovery: Üben erlaubt, keine medium Belastung (alles bis 75%), nicht mehr als 50 reps von einer Übung powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
170221 PB.Plan
A. 3-3-3-3-3-3 HSQCL (nicht maximal) B. 5×3 TEMPO OHS 1-2-1-1 (moderates Gewicht) 5×2 weighted Chinups TEMPO X-1-1-2 C. 5 Rounds: 10 Burpees, 10 Boxjumps, 10 OH-Lunges (45/30) powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
170220 PB.Plan
A. finde 1RM SQSN B. finde ein 3RM deficit DL 5×3 Parallett/DB HSPU strict C. Workout 14.4 MEN – includes Masters Men up to 54 years old Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of: 60-calorie row 50 toes-to-bars 40 wall-ball shots, 20 lb. to 10-foot target 30 cleans, 135 lb. […]
170219 PB.Plan
Rest Day! Cool-down: 5min Couchstretch powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
170218 PB.Plan
A. 3 Rounds 15 GHD Spine-Extensions, 15 Seitstütz-Crunches B. 5×3 TEMPO BSQ 1-2-X-1 ahap 5×2-5 strict Muscle-ups C. 40min EMOM: 20/15cal Row, 15 Burpees, 10 DB Snatches (30/20), 15 CTB, 1min Rest powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
170217 PB.Plan
A. 5min E30″OM: 1PSN finde 1RM, dann 5min E30″OM: 1PSN @95% B. 3×3 OHS ahap C. 5×3 DB Bench ahap 5×2-4 nordic Legcurls D. 10 Rounds: 30″ ME AB cal, 30″rest 30″ME DB PP (22,5/15), 30″rest powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
170216 PB.Plan
A. finde 5RM Bulgarian Splitsquats B. 4×10 Bendover rows ahap 3xME strict TTB (Barbell im Rücken)+ME kipping TTB C. 10×2 weighted MUS (kipping) D. Workout 15.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of: 7 muscle-ups 50 wall-ball shots 100 double-unders Men use 20-lb. ball to 10 feet, Women use 14-lb. […]
170215 PB.Plan
Active Recovery: 45min rowing/Running Cool-down: 5min Couchstretch powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
170214 PB.Plan
A. heavy Complex: 1xPCL+2xHPCL B. Finde 2RM DL C. 5×3 paused Dips weighted am Matador 5min EMOM: max reps Kipping HSPU 5min EMOM: max reps kipping RingDips D. 5 Rounds: 10 PCL (80/55) 50DU powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com