160503 – Competition
A: Complex: 1x FSQ+Jerk 1×3 @ 65% (1RM CJ) 2×3 @ 70% 2×3 @ 75% 1×3 @ 80% Snatchpull 1×4 @ 70% (1RM SN) 2×4 @ 75% 2×4 @ 80% 1×4 @ 85% B: 6min EMOM: 20sec shoulder touches in Handstand C: 5 Rounds of 1x Complex ub (30-40% of 1RM […]
160502 – Competition
A: hHSQSN: Tempo: X-3-1-1 (with 3sec pausing in the bottom position) 2×3 @ 50% (1RM SN) 2×3 @ 55% 2×3 @ 60% Split-Jerk 1×4 @ 65% (1RM Jerk) 2×4 @ 70% 2×4 @ 75% 1×4 @ 80% BSQ 1×8 @ 70% (3RM BSQ) 2×8 @ 75% 2×7 @ 80% 1×6 @ 85% […]
160501 – Competition
Rest Day – Go out have fun! powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
160430 – Competition
A: hHSQCL with 3sec pausing in the bottom position: 1×5 @ 45% (1RM CJ) 2×5 @ 50% 2×5 @ 55% 1×5 @ 60% FSQ 1×8 @ 65% (3RM FSQ) 2×8 @ 70% 2×6 @ 75% 1×6 @ 80% B: Core WOD: 4 Rounds of 10 side plank hipraise 10 abwheels 10 Spine-extensions […]
160429 – Competition
A: Snatch with 2sec pause in the bottom of the squat: 1×5 @ 60% (1RM SN) 2×5 @ 65% 2×4 @ 70% 1×4 @ 75% SQCL+J with 3sec pause in the catching of the Jerk: 1×4 @ 60% (1RM CJ) 2×4 @ 65% 2×4 @ 70% 1×4 @ 75% Cleanpull 1×5 @ 65% […]
160428 – Competition
A: Complex: SQCL+FSQ 1×5 @ 60% (1RM CJ) 2×5 @ 65% 2×5 @ 70% 1×4 @ 75% Pushpress 1×5 @ 55% (1RM Jerk) 2×5 @ 60% 2×5 @ 65% 1×4 @ 70% B: Find a max reps Ring-Muscle-up ub C: Benchmark Girl “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters PLU D: Cool-down: 5min Couchstretch […]
160427 – Competition
Rest Day! Do some active recovery, no intensity no new movements 15-20min of row, run, swim, bike. powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com
160426 – Competition
A: Complex: 1x FSQ+Jerk 1×4 @ 60% (1RM CJ) 2×4 @ 65% 2×4 @ 70% 1×3 @ 75% Snatchpull 1×5 @ 65% (1RM SN) 2×5 @ 70% 2×5 @ 75% 1×4 @ 80% B: 6min E2MOM: 1min HS-Hold against wall C: 21-15-9 Strict Ring-Dips Strict PLU GHD Hyperextensions D: Cool-down: 5min […]
160425 – Competition
A: hHSQSN: Tempo: X-3-1-1 (with 3sec pausing in the bottom position) 2×5 @ 50% (1RM SN) 2×5 @ 55% 2×5 @ 60% Split-Jerk 1×5 @ 60% (1RM Jerk) 2×5 @ 65% 2×5 @ 70% 1×4 @ 75% BSQ 1×10 @ 65% (3RM BSQ) 2×10 @ 70% 2×8 @ 75% 1×8 @ 80% […]
160424 – Competition
Rest Day – Go out have fun! powered by: Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com