A: Basis-Übungen Oly

hHSQCL with 3sec pausing in the bottom position: (1RM CJ)

1×3 @ 60%

2×3 @ 65%

1×3 @ 70%


SQCL+J with 3sec pause in the catching of the Jerk: (1RM CJ)

1×3 @ 75%

2×3 @ 80%

1×3 @ 85%


Zusatzübung Oly

Snatchpull (1RM SN)

1×3 @ 70%

2×3 @ 75%

1×3 @ 80%



BSQ (vom 3RM)

1×5 @ 75%

2×5 @ 80%

2×5 @ 85%


C: Basis-Übung Gymn/WOD


20min EMOM

Max distance Legless RC

2 Power-Clean 100/70 (touch and go)




5min Couchstretch


powered by:

Weightlifting: www.langhantelathletik.de

Nutrition: www.pr-your-life.de

Coaching & Programming: www.gregor-schregle-performance.com